Western Australia has a proud history of agricultural innovation

    Agriculture and food industries are Western Australia’s second biggest export industry and proximity to the leading markets in Asia provides excellent opportunities for WA to capitalise on the demand for safe, high quality food products and services.

    The State’s agricultural producers are highly innovative, especially in dryland farming. These innovations are founded on a history of dedicated research across the sector.

    For a snapshot of agricultural science in Western Australia visit: https://wa.gov.au/science/Documents/agriculture%20and%20food.V3.web.pdf

    For information on the cutting edge research into plant biology being undertaken at the University of Western Australia’s Plant Energy Biology Centre of Excellence visit: http://plantenergy.uwa.edu.au/

    For information on the collaborative effort in agricultural and veterinary biotechnology research being undertaken at Murdoch University’s State Agricultural Biotechnology Centre visit: http://murdoch.edu.au/Research-capabilities/SABC/

    For information on the innovation solutions being developed for the Australian agricultural industry at Curtin University’s Centre for Crop and Disease Management visit: http://ccdm.com.au/
