Membership Tiers

Membership of CropLife is available in the following classes:

Crop Protection Sector 

Crop Protection Member – Class A (Full Voting Rights)
Any corporate entity involved in the basic manufacture of, the formulation of or the supply of Industry Products specifically relating to crop protection.

Crop Protection Member – Class B (Non-voting Rights)
Any corporate entity involved in the basic manufacture of, the formulation of or the supply of Industry Products specifically relating to crop protection and with sales less than $30,000,000.  However, companies that sell less than this number may still join as a full voting rights member (refer above).

Crop Protection Associate Member
Any corporate entity that is involved in the provision of consultancy services to, or has an interest in, the crop protection aspect of the industry.

Crop Biotechnology Sector 

Category One – Crop Biotechnology Member (Full Voting Rights)
Members in this category hold a licence for the commercial release of a GM event(s) from the OGTR, plus have reached a minimum level of sales of the licensed GM event.

Category Two – Crop Biotechnology Member (Full Voting Rights)
Members in this category hold a licence for the commercial release of a GM event(s) from the OGTR but have not reached the minimum level of sales of the licensed event as determined to be a Category One member.

Members in this category have an active ingredient registered with the APVMA for use in GM crops.

Category Three – Crop Biotechnology Member (Non-voting Rights)
Members in this category hold a licence for the field trial of a GM event(s) from the OGTR.

Members in this category have received approval from FSANZ for a GM food or food ingredient to be listed in Standard 1.5.2 of the Food Standards Code.

Members in this category are a seed company who commercially market GM seed but are not themselves holders of the OGTR commercial licence.

Crop Biotechnology Associate Member 

Any corporate entity involved in NBT breeding, or the provision of consultancy services to, or has an interest in, the NBT breeding and/or crop biotechnology aspect of the industry (and does not qualify to be in a higher membership category).
