Plant science continuing to support farmers in their bid to combat crop disease

    18 June 2012

    The 2012 CropLife Australia Resistance Management Strategies for fungicides, herbicides and insecticides have today been updated and released.

    CropLife Australia and its members are committed to responsible stewardship of agricultural chemical products to ensure the ongoing sustainability of Australia’s agriculture industry. Its members are committed to the pursuit of technologies that provide economically viable and environmentally sustainable solutions to pest control. This commitment extends to the responsible and ethical management of industry products throughout their lifecycle. In pursuit of this goal, CropLife Australia annually reviews and provides end users with up-to-date resistance management strategies for a range of crop protection products on a variety of crops.

    Matthew Cossey, Chief Executive Officer of CropLife Australia commented today that the purpose of these strategies is to foster the responsible, sustainable use of crop protection products; thereby extending the life of these vital farming tools. The strategies are developed by scientific and technical review committees made up of members with expert knowledge on the use of herbicides, insecticides and pesticides.”

    “Pests, weeds and insects are a constant threat to our nation’s food supply. Strategies such as those released today equip farmers with methods to ensure they maintain the effectiveness of crucial crop protection tools. Applying these strategies can help farmers prevent loss of future crops, income, and damage to their land.”

    CropLife Australia promotes the responsible use of a range of pest management methods to ensure sustainable agricultural outcomes.

    Mr Cossey continued, “It is so crucial that end users of agricultural chemicals understand the impacts of incorrect or excessive use of a product on their crops. CropLife member companies commit valuable resources every year to ensuring that farmers get the most up to date and correct advice for chemical use. These strategies help farmers prevent and delay development of resistant pests, weeds and diseases that harm farming systems and natural ecosystems. Encouraging the correct use of agricultural chemicals is vital to the economic and environmental sustainability of Australian agriculture.”

    “Crop protection products are an important tool in an integrated approach to pest management. It is recognised that resistance management is a vital aspect of maintaining the crop protection option for integrated pest control. In line with good farming practice, a comprehensive program of alternative management strategies is employed to minimise the development of resistance, whilst contributing towards the quality of the environment.

    The 2012 Resistance Management Strategies are available on the CropLife Australia website:


    Plant Science Continuing to Support Farmers in their Bid to Combat Crop Disease.pdf