31 July 2014
Thursday 31 July 2014 (Canberra) – On the first Friday in August every year, the world comes together for a global celebration of beer with their mates, in pubs, back yards and breweries. It is an appropriate time to reflect and raise a glass to the plant science industry that makes beer production possible.
“In 2013, a report by Deloitte Access Economics (DAE) revealed that the production of hops would not be commercially viable in Australia without the use of crop protection products. Hops are an essential ingredient in the brewing of our favourite beers,” said Matthew Cossey, Chief Executive Officer of CropLife Australia.
“The finding by DAE extends to onions, grapes, papayas and many other fruits, nuts and grains, none of which could be commercially produced in Australia without the availability of modern, innovative crop protection products.”
“In total, $17.6 billion of Australian agricultural output is attributable to the use of crop protection products; equivalent to 68% of the total value of Australian crop production.”
“This confirms that an Australia without modern, approved, safe agricultural chemistry used by farmers in a responsible manner would be an Australia incapable of commercially producing beer and wine; not to mention an array of fresh, local produce we take for granted every day.”
“A number of international studies have also confirmed that the grocery bills of the average consumer would be almost twice as expensive and the variety of local food to which we’d have access would be alarmingly narrow without having access to modern pesticides.”
“An Australia without access to effective crop protection would severely limit our ability to responsibly enjoy a refreshing beer,” concluded Mr Cossey. “Cheers to the plant scientists who make it all possible.”
Contact: Jaelle Bajada (Manager – Public Affairs) Ph: 02 6230 6399 Mob: 0410 491 261