Crops(s) Wide host range of plant species including onion, potato, brassica, beet, spinach, peas, beans and cut flowers
Insect(s) Serpentine leafminer (Liriomyza huidobrensis)
MoA Group* | Chemical sub-group | Example chemical (as per permit, and named crops)** | Permit |
1B | Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors | Dimethoate (pulses & ornamental shrubs and trees) | PER89184 to 31.3.25 |
4A | Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (NaChR) competitive modulators (Neonicotinoids) Chlorantraniliprole + thiamethoxam (Durivo®) | Thiamethoxam + Chlorantraniliprole (Nursery stock – non-food) | PER91161 to 31.6.24 |
5 | Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) allosteric modulators – Site I (Spinosyns)
spinetoram (Success® Neo) spinosad (eg. Entrust®) |
Spinetoram (brassica vegetables (head and leafy), cucurbits, culinary herbs, fruiting vegetables, leafy vegetables, root and tuber vegetables, stalk and stem vegetables, ginger, nursery stock (non-food), fruiting plants (non-bearing), cut flower, ornamentals, snow peas, sugar snap peas and green beans) | PER93550 to 31.12.26
PER87878 to 31.12.27 PER91155 to 30.6.24 |
Spinosad (leafy brassica , cucurbits, culinary herbs, fruiting vegetables, leafy vegetables, root and tuber vegetables, stalk and stem vegetables, ornamentals.) | PER90928 to 30.4.24 | ||
6 | Glutamate-gated chloride channel (GluCl) allosteric modulators (Avermectins)
abamectin (eg. Vertimec®) emamectin benzoate (eg. Proclaim® Opti) chlorantraniliprole + abamectin (Voliam® Targo) |
Abamectin (cucurbits and other fruiting vegetables (excluding mushroom and corn), leafy vegetables, legume vegetables, root and tuber vegetables, bulb vegetables, head cabbages, celery and rhubarb), | PER1876 to 30.4.24
PER91812 to 31.3.27 |
Chlorantraniliprole + abamectin, Emamectin (nursery stock (non-food), fruiting plants (non-bearing) cut flower and ornamentals) | PER91812 to 31.3.27 | ||
Emamectin (suppression only in Brassica Vegetables) | PER91812 to 31.3.27 | ||
15 | Inhibitors of chitin biosynthesis affecting CHS1 (Benzoylureas eg. Dimilin®) | Diflubenzuron (nursery stock (non- food and non-bearing), cut flowers, ornamentals) | PER90454 to 31.10.24
PER91812 to 31.3.27 |
17 | Moulting disruptors, Dipteran (eg. Diptex®) | Cyromazine (broccoli, fruiting veg – cucurbits and others (excluding mushroom and corn), head lettuce, legume vegetables, root and tuber vegetables, stalk and stem vegetables, nursery stock (non-food), fruiting plants (non-bearing), cut flower, ornamentals) | PER81867 to 30.9.26 |
Cont. table
MoA Group* | Chemical sub-group | Example chemical (as per permit, and named crops)** | Permit |
23 | Inhibitors of COA Carboxylase (eg. Movento®) | Spirotetramat (suppression of snow peas, sugar snap peas, lettuce (head and leafy), parsley, green beans, celery, rhubarb, eggplant, capsicum, chilies, tomatoes. | PER88640 to 28.2.26 |
28 | Ryanodine receptor modulators (Diamides)
chlorantraniliprole (eg. Coragen®) cyantraniliprole (Benevia®) cyclaniliprole (Teppan®) chlorantraniliprole + thiamethoxam (Durivo®) chlorantraniliprole + abamectin (Voliam® Targo) |
Chlorantraniliprole (spinach and silverbeet) | PER87631 to 31.3.29 |
Chlorantraniliprole (nursery stock (non-food), fruiting plants (non-bearing), cut flower, ornamentals) | PER91812 to 31.3.27 | ||
Chlorantraniliprole + Thiamethoxam (brassica leafy vegetable and leafy vegetables – seedlings) | PER91161 to 31.6.24 | ||
Chlorantraniliprole + Abamectin (nursery stock (non-food), fruiting plants (non-bearing), cut flower, ornamentals) | PER91812 to 31.3.27 | ||
Cyantraniliprole (bulb vegetables, fruiting vegetables, potatoes, celery, nursery stock (non-food), fruiting plants (non-bearing), cut flower, ornamentals) | PER93850 to 31.12.26
PER93849 to 31.12.26 PER91811 to 31.3.27 |
Cyclaniliprole (nursery stock (non-food), fruiting plants (non-bearing), cut flower, ornamentals) | PER91811 to 31.3.27 | ||
UN | Unknown (eg. Azamax®) | Azadirachtin (nursery stock (non-food), fruiting plants (non-bearing), cut flower, ornamentals) | PER91812 to 31.3.27 |
Group* | Chemical sub-group | Example chemical (as per permit, and named crops) ** |
1B | Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors | Dimethoate (pulses & ornamental shrubs and trees) |
4A | Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (NaChR) competitive modulators (Neonicotinoids) | Thiamethoxam + Chlorantraniliprole (Nursery stock – non-food) |
5 | Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) allosteric modulators – Site I (Spinosyns) | Spinetoram (brassica vegetables (head and leafy), cucurbits, culinary herbs, fruiting vegetables, leafy vegetables, root and tuber vegetables, stalk and stem vegetables, nursery stock (non-food), fruiting plants (non-bearing), cut flower, ornamentals, snow peas, sugar snap peas and green beans)
Spinosad (leafy brassica , cucurbits, culinary herbs, fruiting vegetables, leafy vegetables, root and tuber vegetables, stalk and stem vegetables, ornamentals.) |
6 | Glutamate-gated chloride channel (GluCl) allosteric modulators | Abamectin (cucurbits and other fruiting vegetables (excluding mushroom and corn), leafy vegetables, legume vegetables, root and tuber vegetables, bulb vegetables, head cabbages, celery and rhubarb),
Chlorantraniliprole + abamectin, Emamectin (nursery stock (non-food), fruiting plants (non-bearing) cut flower and ornamentals) Emamectin (suppression only in Brassica Vegetables) |
15 | Inhibitors of chitin biosynthesis affecting
CHS1 (Benzoylureas) |
Diflubenzuron (nursery stock (non- food and non-bearing), cut flowers, ornamentals) |
17 | Moulting disruptors, Dipteran. | Cyromazine (broccoli, fruiting veg – cucurbits and others (excluding mushroom and corn), head lettuce, legume vegetables, root and tuber vegetables, stalk and stem vegetables, nursery stock (non-food), fruiting plants (non-bearing), cut flower, ornamentals) |
22A | Voltage-dependent sodium channel blockers (Oxadiazines) | Indoxacarb (nursery stock (non-food), fruiting plants (non-bearing), cut flower, ornamentals) |
23 | Inhibitors of COA Carboxylase | Spirotetramat (suppression of snow peas, sugar snap peas, lettuce (head and leafy), parsley, green beans, celery, rhubarb, eggplant, capsicum, chilies, tomatoes. |
28 | Ryanodine receptor modulators (Diamides) | Chlorantraniliprole (Spinach and Silverbeet, nursery stock (non-food), fruiting plants (non-bearing), cut flower, ornamentals)
Chlorantraniliprole + Thiamethoxam (brassica leafy vegetable and leafy vegetables – seedlings) Chlorantraniliprole + Abamectin (nursery stock (non-food), fruiting plants (non-bearing), cut flower, ornamentals) Cyantraniliprole (bulb vegetables, fruiting vegetables, potatoes, celery, nursery stock (non-food), fruiting plants (non-bearing), cut flower, ornamentals) Cyclaniliprole (nursery stock (non-food), fruiting plants (non-bearing), cut flower, ornamentals) |
UN | Unknown | Azadirachtin (nursery stock (non-food), fruiting plants (non-bearing), cut flower, ornamentals) |
*Refer: CropLife Australia Expert Committee on Insecticide Resistance Mode of Action Classification for Insecticides
**Refer to the APVMA’s PubCris website ( to ensure permit is still active
Content last updated: June 26, 2024
CropLife Australia’s Resistance Management Strategies provide a guide for crop protection product rotation through product groups. The strategies are a useful tool that supports farmers’ adoption of resistance management. All crop protection products must be handled and applied strictly as specified on the product label or APVMA permits.
These Resistance Management Strategies do not replace product labels. They are a guide only and do not endorse particular products, groups of products or cultural methods in terms of their performance. It is important to check with the Australian regulator’s (APVMA) product database for contemporary information on products and active constituents. The database can be sourced through
The information given in this strategy is provided in good faith and without any liability for loss or damage suffered as a result of its application and use. Advice given in this strategy is valid as at 26 June 2024. All previous versions of this strategy are now invalid.