Our members support appropriate and rigorous regulation of their products. CropLife members agree to abide by a strict Code of Conduct to demonstrate their commitment to high standards of safety, stewardship and product quality
Our members want pesticides to be used sparingly, carefully, and responsibly. Responsible use of crop protection products means that they will work better, last longer and remain useful. CropLife’s resistance management strategies help farmers use our members’ products as efficiently as possible. We’ve also developed MyAgCHEMuse, a best practice reference guide that provides the most up-to-date advice and tools to help manage spray drift. Agsafe accreditation and training help farmers use our members’ products in a way that poses the minimum possible risk to our environment, our food supply and farmers themselves.
Our members are leading the world in minimising the environmental impact of their products. Agsafe’s Chemclear® and drumMUSTER ensure chemicals and containers are disposed of safely. BeeConnected enables easy communication between farmers and beekeepers to ensure our bee population remains among the healthiest in the world.
CropLife members support farmers who use GM cotton and canola with training and accreditation courses. This includes advocating good on-farm management to ensure sustainability of the technology and following Crop Management Plans to ensure the segregation and co-existence of GM and non-GM crops if required.